Federal Reserve..


The death of the Dollar is coming sooner than expected – when it happens expect bank runs and closures, food scarcity, riots, high unemployment, and hyper-inflation

(Natural News) The Western financial system has created an illusion, or mirage, of wealth and prosperity – and that illusion-mirage is quickly coming to an end. American Marine F-4B fighter pilot and Vietnam War veteran Bob Moriarty spoke with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about this final chapter of the Western financial system during … [Read More...]

Just five of Chicago’s largest public pension systems owe more pension debt than the sum of 44 states

 it !


The Federal Reserve Wants You Fired

Goldman-Sachs is an owner of the Federal Reserve System. Is it any wonder that the Fed is able to block auditing of its operations? The rule of money trumps the rule of law anytime. The Secret Power Elite



Bank of America has penty of Money to Fund Planned Parenthood


The Perfect Robbery, The Cashless Society


The Globalists Strike Back With A Major Push Toward A Cashless Society

The Sinister Agenda Behind the Washington War On Cash

The Globalist War on Cash accelerates


JFK’s Executive Order 11100 Abolishing the Federal Reserve Likely Got him Killed


New Lawsuit Alleges That Wells Fargo Has a Manual for Mass Fabrication of Foreclosure Documents

Savers fear negative interest rates as Natwest warns businesses might have to pay to hold cash

Central Banks Have Pushed the Middle Class Down into Neofeudal Serfdom

Just how secure is that mobile banking app?


Banks Want Robots to Do Their Hiring...

JP Morgan Engaging in Systemic Consumer Credit Card Debt Fraud

Five Major Banks to Plead Guilty to Rigging Currency Markets

Fighting the "War on Terror " by Banning Cash

JPMorgan Chase Refuses to Allow Depositors to store Cash in Safe Deposit Boxes

CITIBANk Calls For Elimination of Currency Australia To Start Taxing Bank Deposits

HSBC files show how Swiss bank helped clients dodge taxes and hide millions

Investors Beware: Banks Manipulating LIBOR Rates to Increase Profits

The Fed Continues to Blow Smoke and Keep Americans in the Dark

Federal Reserve: We'll Keep Suppressing Interest Rates

CHASE bank asks employees if they are 'allies of the LGBT community'...

NSA FINRA to collect private financial data from more than 4,100 brokerage firms nationwide.


Der Spiegel reports that Banks are running Guns.  A bank was involved in illegal arms trading --
in another case, a financial institution was providing support to an authoritarian African regime.


Bankers cannot be prosecuted for breach of trust, because it owes no fiduciary duty to the depositor / customer, as he is deemed to be using his own money to speculate etc. There is absolutely no criminal liability.  Relationship Between A Banker And Customer,That Of A Creditor/


Chase bank aided the Nazis:

A lot of banks sided with the Nazis during World War Two. Chase is the most prominent.

They froze European Jewish customers' accounts and were extremely cooperative in providing banking service to Germany. (Source:
New York Times)

The House That Evil Built
Too Big to jail? The top 10 Civil Cases Against the Banks

Goldman Sachs Made $400 Million Betting On Food Prices In 2012 While Hundreds Of Millions Starved


The Bankers Manifesto...

1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared:  We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them…."

"The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible."

Multiple instances of Abuse by Federal Reserve Owner Banks:
Bank of America Rejects Couples Early Mortgage payment and Forecloses on Home
Bank of America forecloses on property it doesn't own
Bank of America Seizes Wrong House and Disconnects Power
Feds sue Bank of America for Hustle Loan Fraud
Bank of America Enters Home of Mortgage Borrower Padlocks Home and Steals Pet Parrot

Federal Reserve Owner Wells Fargo abuse:
Wells Fargo Forecloses Twice on the Wrong House

Influence Peddling:
Countrywide Bank Used Discount Loans to Buy Influence in Congress

Banks 'Fixing' the Rates:
Banks Rig Interest rates in LIBOR scandal

Federal Reserve Act, 1913 establishes central banking system with exclusive right to coin and value currency

Watters v. Wachovia - Supreme Court exempts National Banks from state regulation

Secret FED Loans helped Banks Net 13 Billion

First Govt. Accountability Audit of the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve: The Looting of America

"When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”

Rags make paper,
Paper makes money,
Money makes banks,
Banks make loans,
Loans make poverty,
Poverty makes rags.